priviness ltd

CEO Sandy Gilchrist

Sandy is a GDPR certified professional. He understands that the new legislation is about privacy, not just data protection and security. As a business analyst and strategic architect, he has specialised in project management and programme direction. Working as Chief Operations Officer and Director in numerous organisations, he has familiarised himself with an extensive range of systems, including: IT, HR, marketing and operations. He’s worked in Africa, Asia, US, Europe, and Australia. He has experience and connections in banking, insurance, utilities, energy, health, charities, education, telecoms, plus more. That's a lot of hands-on experience that can be leveraged by clients of priviness.

Our Aims

We’d like to be the advisors that deliver exceptional results using a combination of superior performance management and an ability to distil complex information in to a simple and manageable form that can be understood by all team members. Unlike some other firms in this field, we won’t insist on filling your organisation with expensive consultants.
For clients who have commissioned an initial assessment and report from us, our ongoing support services can be accessed for as little as £100 per month.

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