priviness ltd

Access to GDPR Software

We have partners in the software programming and website development industry that have produced proprietary GDPR software. We can assess your needs, put you in touch with experts who can provide secure systems and train your staff to use them.

Call Centre

Many of the hurdles faced when attempting to ensure that your organisation performs compliantly with the GDPR legislation will have been faced by many others before you. The task of our call centre staff is to perform a sort of triage service. Chances are they will be able to identify your problem and offer a quick resolution within a few minutes of you picking up the phone. Where further investigation is required, our call centre staff will call you back when they have accessed the relevant information.

Expert Advice

Expert Advice

In more complex cases – where a policy document needs to be reworded by a lawyer or you require some reprogramming of key company software – we can advise you on hiring GDPR experts. It is always worth getting in the correct people to start with. That way, the work is done to a compliant standard from the outset and nothing will have to be redone.

Expert Advice

Data Protection Officer Services

You can appoint a Data Protection Officer from your own staff, but the law states that they must be independent. This means that they cannot undertake any tasks for your organisation that might conflict with their position as DPO. A simple way to avoid this situation arising is to allow us to act as your DPO.

Under the GDPR legislation, there are some 30 different rights that individuals may choose to exercise when you process their personal information. We figure out the most appropriate workflows that your organisation requires to facilitate those rights. This includes options to address the right to data portability. Your organisation must be able to demonstrate compliance with the right of erasure and restriction for each of the applications and services providers that you use. Given the complexity of GDPR and the legal updates, our services include on-going review options.

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